Leicestershire Empowerment for Autism Today
Empowering independence for people with Autism/Asperger Syndrome in Leicester & Leicestershire.​

LEAT is a charitable organisation, founded in 2003, providing a range of specialist support services to young people and adults with ASD/Asperger Syndrome* – and related difficulties – in the city of Leicester and county of Leicestershire.
We offer comprehensive and flexible support to our clients, as well as training in Autism Awareness to professionals and employers. We pride ourselves on offering skilled, person-centred intervention, which grasps the subtlety and specificity of Autism both as a diagnosis and, more importantly, a lived experience for individuals and families. Over our 20+ years of service, we have supported people in and with work, education, volunteering, independent living, activities of interest, and (often new) social situations and environments, as well as accessing services, appointments, the wider community, and other such essential areas, empowering greater independence, confidence, connection with others and personal wellbeing – in Leicester, Loughborough and across the county.
Currently, we offer 1:1 Autism support/coaching to adults and young people age 16+, covering both city and county locations; group support in the form of a weekly Autism Social gathering, held in venues across Leicester city centre; and informal training/consultancy to individuals, professionals and local organisations seeking our input. We charge an hourly rate for all our services, delivered by trained Autism Specialist Support Workers under the supervision of our Service Lead, which can be 'self-funded' or, in certain cases, funded by Local and Health Authority care packages (for example, via LCC Direct Payments). With a strong focus on meeting the community, social–vocational and developmental needs of our clients, we do not deliver domiciliary, 'personal', medical or other such care.
If you are interested in what we do, seeking our support/input, would like to work with or for us, or have any other LEAT-related query, please get in touch today.
(*Many of the people we support still use the term 'Asperger Syndrome', despite its negative connotations, as they were originally diagnosed with AS not ASD, and identify with it – hence the presence of the term on this website and in our charity literature.)